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Do you have specific application needs or a project at this time ? Yes No Do you plan to purchase a solution or develop in-house ? Purchase Develop Do you have a procurement/development budget at this time ? Yes No What is your timeframe for software procurement ? Within 4 months Greater
Do you plan to purchase a solution or develop in-house ? Purchase Develop
Do you have a procurement/development budget at this time ? Yes No
What is your timeframe for software procurement ? Within 4 months Greater
Current Development Environment Dec Alpha/Dec UNIX IBM AIX Sun/Solaris Sun/SunOS HP/HP-UX Mac/Mac OS PC/Solaris X86 PC/Windows NT PC/Windows 3.1 PC/Windows 95 Other Planned Deployment Environment Dec Alpha/Dec UNIX IBM AIX Sun/Solaris Sun/SunOS HP/HP-UX Mac/Mac OS PC/Solaris X86 PC/Windows NT PC/Windows 3.1 PC/Windows 95 Other Current Tools Unify VISION ACCELL/SQL Forte Oracle Forms/Developer 2000 Informix/New Era Powerbuilder Gupta Visual Basic JAM Uniface Progress SuperNova Other Database Connections Oracle Informix Sybase Ingres Unify 2000 DB2 ODBC MS Access Watcom dBase Other
Planned Deployment Environment Dec Alpha/Dec UNIX IBM AIX Sun/Solaris Sun/SunOS HP/HP-UX Mac/Mac OS PC/Solaris X86 PC/Windows NT PC/Windows 3.1 PC/Windows 95 Other
Current Tools Unify VISION ACCELL/SQL Forte Oracle Forms/Developer 2000 Informix/New Era Powerbuilder Gupta Visual Basic JAM Uniface Progress SuperNova Other
Database Connections Oracle Informix Sybase Ingres Unify 2000 DB2 ODBC MS Access Watcom dBase Other
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